Running Charm Tests =================== The end-to-end tests of a charm are divided into distinct phases. Each phase can be run in isolation and tests shared between charms. Running a suite of deployments and tests ---------------------------------------- **functest-run-suite** will read the charms tests.yaml and execute the deployments and tests outlined there. However, each phase can be run independently. Charm Test Phases ----------------- Charms should ship with bundles that deploy the charm with different application versions, topologies or config options. functest-run-suite will run through each phase listed below in order for each bundle that is to be tested. 0) Environment Variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Optionally setting the **MODEL_SETTINGS** environment variable allows model settings to be applied to the models created by zaza to run tests in. The settings will be applied on top of those set **charm_lifecycle.prepare.MODEL_DEFAULTS** so it can be used to override any default setting. **MODEL_SETTINGS** should be a list of key/value pairs delimited by semicolon e.g.:: export MODEL_SETTINGS="" export MODEL_CONSTRAINTS="virt-type=kvm" In addition to overriding Zaza's configuration via environment variables, some configuration can be done via a .zaza.yaml file in your home directory, eg.:: --- model_settings: default-series: xenial image-stream: daily test-mode: true transmit-vendor-metrics: false enable-os-upgrade: false automatically-retry-hooks: false use-default-secgroup: true model_constraints: mem: '4g' secrets: setting1: value1 runtime_config: {} In addition to the config shown above, some options can only be added via a .zaza.yaml file, eg.:: --- region: my-region-name cloud: my-cloud credential: my-credential The above configuration is required to run Zaza on a multi cloud / region Juju controller. 1) Prepare ~~~~~~~~~~ Prepare the environment ready for a deployment. At a minimum create a model to run the deployment in. To run manually:: $ functest-prepare --help usage: functest-prepare [-h] -m MODEL_NAME [--log LOGLEVEL] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -m MODEL_NAME, --model-name MODEL_NAME Name of new model --log LOGLEVEL Loglevel [DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|CRITICAL] 2) Before Deploy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Perform pre-deployment tasks, for example: setup a default model configuration that is necessary to deploy a bundle. To run manually:: $ functest-before-deploy --help usage: functest-before-deploy [-h] [-c BEFOREFUNCS [BEFOREFUNCS ...]] [--log LOGLEVEL] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c BEFOREFUNCS, --beforefuncs BEFOREFUNCS Space separated list of config functions --log LOGLEVEL Loglevel [DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|CRITICAL] 3) Deploy ~~~~~~~~~ Deploy the target bundle and wait for it to complete. **functest-run-suite** will look at the list of bundles in the tests.yaml in the charm to determine the bundle. In addition to the specified bundle the overlay template directory will be searched for a corresponding template (\.j2). If one is found then the overlay will be rendered using environment variables a specific set of environment variables as context. Currently these are: * FIP\_RANGE * GATEWAY * NAME\_SERVER * NET\_ID * OS\_\* * VIP\_RANGE The rendered overlay will be used on top of the specified bundle at deploy time. To run manually:: $ functest-deploy --help usage: functest-deploy [-h] -m MODEL -b BUNDLE [--no-wait] [--log LOGLEVEL] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -m MODEL, --model MODEL Model to deploy to -b BUNDLE, --bundle BUNDLE Bundle name (excluding file ext) --no-wait Do not wait for deployment to settle --log LOGLEVEL Loglevel [DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|CRITICAL] 4) Configure ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Post-deployment configuration, for example create network, tenant, image, etc. Any necessary post-deploy actions go here. **functest-run-suite** will look for a list of functions that should be run in tests.yaml and execute each in turn. To run manually:: $ functest-configure --help usage: functest-configure [-h] [-c CONFIGFUNCS [CONFIGFUNCS ...]] [--log LOGLEVEL] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CONFIGFUNCS, --configfuncs CONFIGFUNCS Space separated list of config functions --log LOGLEVEL Loglevel [DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|CRITICAL] 5) Test ~~~~~~~ Run tests. These maybe tests in zaza or a wrapper around another testing framework like rally or tempest. **functest-run-suite** will look for a list of test classes that should be run in tests.yaml and execute each in turn. To run manually:: $ functest-test --help usage: functest-test [-h] [-t TESTS [TESTS ...]] [--log LOGLEVEL] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -t TESTS, --tests TESTS Space separated list of test classes --log LOGLEVEL Loglevel [DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|CRITICAL] 6) Collect ~~~~~~~~~~ Collect artifacts useful for debugging any failures or useful for trend analysis like deprecation warning or deployment time. 7) Destroy ~~~~~~~~~~ Destroy the model:: $ functest-destroy --help usage: functest-destroy [-h] -m MODEL_NAME [--log LOGLEVEL] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -m MODEL_NAME, --model-name MODEL_NAME Name of model to remove --log LOGLEVEL Loglevel [DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|CRITICAL] Example ------- First, grab the charm in question from the charm store:: charm pull cs:~openstack-charmers-next/vault cd vault Run tests via tox ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To run all the charms functional tests:: tox -e func or just the smoke test:: tox -e func-smoke Run tests directly with functest commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Setup the virtualenv needs to be created:: tox -e func-noop source .tox/func-noop/bin/activate All the phases can be run with a single command for a specific bundle:: $ functest-run-suite -b xenial-mysql OR each phase can be run by hand, Prepare phase:: $ functest-prepare -m testmodel Pick a specific bundle to test:: $ functest-deploy -m testmodel -b tests/bundles/xenial-mysql.yaml Run the configure script to prepare the environment for running tests:: $ functest-configure -m testmodel Run test:: $ functest-test -m testmodel Destroy the environment:: $ functest-destroy -m testmodel Run tests directly using model maps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Steps defined in the tests.yaml will often be related to a model alias. For example:: charm_name: ubuntu tests: - bionic_model: - zaza.charm_tests.noop.tests.NoopTestBionic - xenial_model: - zaza.charm_tests.noop.tests.NoopTestXenial - zaza.charm_tests.noop.tests.NoopTest configure: - bionic_model: - zaza.charm_tests.noop.setup.basic_setup_bionic - xenial_model: - zaza.charm_tests.noop.setup.basic_setup_xenial - zaza.charm_tests.noop.setup.basic_setup In the above setup two model aliases are in use: 'bionic_model' and 'xenial_model'. To map an existing model to a model alias (and thereby run the specific step for the alias) pass in the map to the model command. This is done by specifying 'alias:existing_model_name'. For example if there is an existing model called 'bio' then to associate that with 'bionic_model' alias run:: $ functest-configure -m bionic_model:bio $ functest-test -m bionic_model:bio Multiple model aliases can also be passed. To run the tests associated with both aliases:: $ functest-configure -m bionic_model:bio -m xenial_model:xen $ functest-test -m bionic_model:bio -m xenial_model:xen Develop and re-run tests on existing model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Re-running tests on already deployed model helps developers to iteratively develop and test zaza tests without having to wait for lengthy model deployment each time a change in the tests needs to be verified. First step is to deploy the model using tox. You can choose any tox environment that runs a functional tests, we'll use ``func-smoke`` in this example. (Tip: Inspect environment definition in tox.ini file to make sure that it uses ``--keep-model`` flag so that our model does not get destroyed at the end.):: tox -e func-smoke Wait for the tests to finish. This process will deploy and configure new model named ``zaza-`` (e.g.: ``zaza-4dcc436c59b9``) which we can later re-use. Next you have to activate the virtual environment created by tox and install your local zaza tests package. (In this example we'll use ``zaza-openstack-tests`` package):: source .tox/func-smoke/bin/activate pip install -e ~/dev/zaza-openstack-tests/ Now we can run specific tests on the model that was created earlier. For the sake of this example, let's say that we work on a test suite called ``MyTests`` for ``nova-compute`` charm:: functest-test -m zaza-4dcc436c59b9 -t zaza.openstack.charm_tests.nova.tests.MyTests This will run the tests from the ``MyTests`` class in ``zaza.openstack.charm_tests.nova.tests`` module on already deployed model ``zaza-4dcc436c59b9``. In case that you need to run tests from multiple classes, the ``-t`` parameter can be repeated multiple times. Note: thanks to the usage of ``-e`` flag in ``pip install`` command, you don't need to reinstall your package containing zaza tests everytime you make a change to them. Any change made to the source code will be immediately effective in the virtual environment.